Star Badge |
From スターバッジコレクション Set 1, 2016. The badge isn't really star-shaped, but the background gives that impression. This was Hiromi's first can badge, but I was too embarrassed to ask for help with buying it from Animate until it was sold out... I still found it secondhand eventually. |
Pukutto Badge 1 |
From ぷくっとバッジコレクション BOX Cute Vol.2, 2017. Mira hosted a split for the set this was in! It's domed with a soft plastic, but it seems like the plastic has shrunken... I don't know if it's UV damage or an inevitable breakdown of the plastisizers. |
Pukutto Badge 2 |
From ぷくっとバッジコレクション BOX Vol.3, 2019. Has a soft plastic dome, like the previous Pukutto badge. It was a bit sticky to the touch when I got it, so I'm not sure how long the plastic layer will really last. Until it inevitably clouds, it's cute! The crown sitting on the main circle is a nice touch. |
ChimaDol Can Badge |
From ちまドル アイドルマスター シンデレラガールズ トレーディング缶バッジ A, 2017. The set was first sold at one of the CG 5th lives. The seller I bought this from didn't want to sell to foreigners, so they hiked the cost up, but I bought it anyways. Then they announced reprints of the set a week later! Oops. The pin has some fading from sun damage, so I kind of want to buy a new one. |
Rectangle Badge |
From アイドルマスター シンデレラガールズスクエアバッジ, 2018. Sold as part of a Halloween collab with Lawson. It has an inconvinient shape and paper backing, but it's still cute. |
One Steps Venue-Exclusive Badge |
From ちまドル アイドルマスター シンデレラガールズ ワンステップスセット, 2019. 7th Live goods. Katchi and her sister bought the set this was in for me at the live! |
Sega Limited Can Badge 1 |
From アイドルマスター シンデレラガールズ 缶バッジvol.2, 2018. A crane-game prize. The construction is super sturdy, but the design is cute and delicate. One of my favorites. |
Cinderella Girls Gekijou Preorder Badge |
From シンデレラガールズ劇場2期特典, 2018. Came in a set if you preordered every Gekijou S2 BD/DVD from Animate. These flooded the market after a while... I wonder if it was excess stock. |
Tokyu Hands Can Badge |
From アイドルマスター シンデレラガールズ トレーディング缶バッジ Vol.1 青, 2018. These were part of an in-store lottery at Tokku Hands. It's super bright and colorful, but kind of busy. |
Tokyu Hands Can Badge Holofoil ver. |
From アイドルマスター シンデレラガールズ トレーディング缶バッジ Vol.1 青, 2018. These were part of an in-store lottery at Tokku Hands. I finally caved and bought this in 2020 for about ~$55, which isn't a bad price at all for holofoil. Even if I do feel a bit silly for it, it's nice to finally have a Hiromi that has eluded me for so long. |
CM 049~051 Preorder Badge |
A preorder bonus for ordering CM 049~051 from TSUTAYA, 2018. It's really basic-looking, which is a bit disappointing. |
Minicchu Big Can Badge |
From ミニッチュ アイドルマスター シンデレラガールズ ビッグ缶バッジ, 2018. Drawn by the Minicchu guy. This was shown only a few months before Hiromi's CM release, and there was speculation that her image color would be the same dark red as the stripe. It ended up being completely different, as confirmed by the CM. |
Trading Can Badge 1 |
From THE IDOLM@STER CINDERELLA GIRLS SS3A Live Sound Booth♪ 公式トレーディング缶バッジA, 2018. This set has rainbow borders similar to how cards appear during gameplay, and coordinate with a tote bag with note lanes on the side. |
Puchichoko Can Badge |
From アイドルマスター シンデレラガールズ ぷちちょこ缶バッジ, 2018. It's larger and busier than I expected. |
Trading Can Badge 2 |
From THE IDOLM@STER CINDERELLA GIRLS 6thLIVE MERRY-GO-ROUNDOME!!! 公式トレーディング缶バッジ Cute, 2018. A 6th live trading badge. The pink background matches with the trading bromides. |
Mag Badge 1 |
From アニON STATIONしんげきカフェ, 2018. Given as a bonus for ordering food at the 3rd cafe. The design is printed directly on the plastic, and it has a magnet along with a pin backing! |
Mag Badge 2 |
From アニON STATIONしんげきカフェ, 2019. Given as a bonus for ordering food at the 4th cafe. For some reason I had a really hard time finding this badge, and I ended up using a Mercari proxy to get it. |
Sega Limited Can Badge 2 |
From アイドルマスター シンデレラガールズ 缶バッジvol.17, 2019. A crane-game prize. Features the beloved and memetic marui yatsu, or "round boi". |
Trading Can Badge 3 |
From アイドルマスターシンデレラガールズ劇場 CLIMAX SEASON トレーディング缶バッジ 15個入りBOX, 2019. The background of this one is really bubbly. |
Jewelry Can Badge |
Released in 2020. The gold trim on the badge has a metallic shine! This is my favorite Hiromi card, so I ordered an extra to put on my bag. |
Bag Bonus Can Badge |
Released in 2020. It's made to compliment the Jewelry badge, so it uses chibi art of the same card and features similar motifs. To be honest, I don't think the colors compliment the bag very well, but I love it on it's own. |
SMFTN 02 Step & Skip Preorder Badge |
A preorder bonus for ordering Step & Skip from HMV, 2019. It's so small! A tiny little badge! But that means it's really cute, so it passes! |
Sega Limited Can Badge 3 |
From アイドルマスター シンデレラガールズ 缶バッジvol.27, 2020. A crane-game prize. It uses the GBNS unit outfit, but I'm not sure if there are badges of the other three members to match. Still, purple Hiromi merch is uncommon, and it's cute. |
Stand Can Badge 1 |
From CG 7thLIVE TOUR Special 3chord♪, 2019. When I ordered this, I expected it to maybe have a metal claw backing, but instead it's a folding acrylic stand arm! The arm slots through the matching penlight stand. |
Stand Can Badge 2 |
From the Live Broadcast 24magic stream, 2020. There isn't a penlight stand for this one, so I guess they must have liked the format of it. The lace border is really cute. |
Stand Can Badge 3 |
From the Happy New Yell!!! live and stream, 2021. One of my favorite cards finally getting the spotlight! The colors look a little funky, but that's okay! |
Producer Badge 1 |
From CG 6thLIVE MERRY-GO-ROUNDOME, 2018. Pretty massive. P badges are meant to be used with multibands, and have a raised plastic block that helps it slot into the top of the band. I'm too afraid of it snapping off to ever use it. |
Producer Badge 2 |
From CG 7thLIVE TOUR Special 3chord♪, 2019. Another massive P badge. This one is a bit cuter than the 6th live badge. |
Producer Badge 3 |
From the Live Broadcast 24magic stream, 2020. Yet another chunky acrylic badge. Probably the most "ID Card"-ish of the Producer badges, which suits its intended purpose well. |
Producer Badge 3 |
From the Happy New Yell!!! live and stream, 2021. The wi-fi fan logo is cute, and the outfit they chose for her is cute, but it doesn't really feel emblematic of a winter live. |
Patch Badge |
From CG 6thLIVE MERRY-GO-ROUNDOME, 2018. Velcroed to a cloth with a pin backing. I'm not sure why they didn't just make this a patch, but I do like it. |
Button 1 |
My first Hiromi badge. The artist is OrizeP, but this design isn't sold anymore. I'm not sure what year it was released, but OrizeP's fangoods were one of the first available for online order. It's rusted on the back because my apartment was too humid in 2018, but because it rusted so much, I noticed before my other badges rusted as well. |
Mini Badge |
The artist is Hanon. This was first sold as event-limited goods, but the artist bundled it with a doujin I bought from her! I'm still really grateful. |
Heart Badge |
The artist is Dandy. I commissioned this at UBCon 2019, after seeing that the artist was selling a print of another iM@S character. It's really adorable, and I'm happy I could support a local artist too! |
Badge Autumn Craft |
The artist is Konoha. There isn't a plastic cover over the paper, so I need to be careful with it. |
Badge Mankai Smile |
The artist is Konoha. I had this badge on my bookbag briefly, but took it off because another badge I had got water damage out of the blue, and I don't want to lose it. |
Badge One Steps |
The artist is Konoha. The texture of the paper is interesting, and it feels like it could repel water, but I don't want to try. |
Pink Badge |
The artist is Hunter. He made me a Hiromi badge that can be reprinted at any time, so I'm not too worried of damage to use it... I'm really, really, really grateful!! The version I have on hand is a bit beat up, but I can rest easy knowing I can get more at any time! |